1. Free mason?, there is no hard evidence to say he was. The pyramid was not erected as a directory for those buried in the lot, it is a monument to the laodecian messager, Russell.
2. the WT did join the UN as an NGO, the paper work clearly shows they knew the rules, they were outed and quit
3. Can't comment myself, never looked at it. Dont care.
4 They are false prophets as far as my own research shows.
5. child abuse and the WT? As true as it is in the catholic church, and as hidden. I have seen the policy of protection in action.
Personally, not one of these things bothers me true or false. There are so many other things that just add up to amountain of proof that the WT, the JWs are among the most evil groups on the planet. I am extremely interested in truth. MY own journey was one of discovery of the true and the not true stories in Ex JW land. It took me a year, how long will it take you?
If you keep cut and pasting the Watchtower society's answers you will never learn anything Change Name